Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Company's ASX code?

How can I access details of my holdings of securities in Boart Longyear?
Through the web pages of the Company's share registrar, Link Market Services, you can check on your current shareholding and dividends and access the relevant forms to notify us of any changes to your holdings such as address and direct credit details. Link can also be contacted on 1800 781 633 for Australian shareholders or 612 8280 7488 for non-Australian shareholders.

How do I buy and sell Boart Longyear's listed securities?
If you wish to trade Boart Longyear's ordinary shares you should contact a broker to sell shares traded on the Australian Securities Exchange. If you do not have a broker you can refer to the brokers listed on the ASX website. [ ]

When are the Company's results announced to the market?
The Company's profit announcements coincide with the release of the 31 December (full year) and 30 June (half year) accounts. These releases generally occur in mid-February and mid-August respectively.

When does the company hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM)?
The AGM is typically held each year in the April / May timeframe. Notice of this meeting along with applicable materials are distributed well in advance of the meeting date.

How do I receive information about dividend payments?
To receive information about any past dividend payments please contact the company's share registrar Link Market Services at the contact details listed above. Announcements about future dividend payments will be filed with the ASX and posted to this website in the Announcements section.

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