Derived data through analytics and machine learning

With the assistance of powerful analytics, data can be quickly interrogated and ready for machine learning - providing geological insights including lithological and structural information, giving teams access to orebody insights faster, at a higher definition, with lower sampling error while making data easy to find and convenient to access from anywhere.


Drive a digital ML-led approach to structural logging and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) to give geologists and geotechs standardized, accurate and high-speed access to structural data while reducing manual handling and rework.


Powerful insights by showcasing imagery and geochemical data from TruScan alongside the structural data output from TruStructure.

This powerful analytics platform offer geoscientists and geochemists powerful insights


Log core digitally across various scales with fully customizable labels, this semi-automated platform will learn the geochemical signature of logged lithologies to refine and predict, greatly increasing the geologist’s efficiency in the logging process. 

Digitize your core shed

A permanent record of core in the cloud is the best place to store accurate data that more precisely models your orebody knowledge. By being connected to the source, and in real time, TruScan™ sets the stage for your Digital Core Shed before oxidisation, handling errors and bad data get in the way. 


Unifying orebody knowledge brings disciplines together to derive new data; enabling new ways to plan drilling campaigns, making the most of each hole.

Save precious resources (financially, socially and environmentally) by drilling once and capturing a full gambit of data for future use. Avoiding the need for subsequent technical drilling in similar areas.