Information hub and thought leadership portal by Boart Longyear


May 3, 2019

Boart Longyear Drills Deepest Hole in Ghana

Boart Longyear is pleased to announce that its drilling crews drilled the deepest hole ever… more ››

April 18, 2019

Read it and Weep - Boart Longyear goes Deep

Cutting-Edge Innovation & Impressive Drilling Crew Achieved Near-Record Depth The Boart Longyear™ Drilling Services Coring… more ››

January 9, 2019 | James Burris

Longyear Bits – Selecting the Right Bit in 5 Easy Steps

This article originally appeared in the GeoDrilling International June 2019 issue. For core drilling, from… more ››

December 12, 2018 | James Burris

Drilling Beyond Earth

A little more than once in a blue moon, you read a news story about… more ››

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