My Drill Store: Warehouse Availability


When an item is added to the cart, My Drill Store checks for that item’s availability dates in warehouses closest to your location. If the item in your cart is available to ship within 7 days from the order date, the date available will appear. If the Availability column shows Check, it means that item is further than 7 days from being available to ship to your location. To find out when the item will be available, click on Check in the cart details window. The Product Availability window will appear.


To check a requested date, click on the calendar icon to the right of the Requested Date field, and choose your date. When the Requested Date has been updated, click on the Go button to discover if the item will be available on the date you requested. You may also contact your local customer service representative to discover more information about the item’s availability. If an item will become available for your requested time, you may apply it to your current order. Click the radio button in the Select column to choose the warehouse you wish to ship your item from, and click Apply.

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